Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

9 Months

Almost a month ago Miles turned 9 months. Although I am not posting this until he is almost 10 months old, I did at least take these pictures closer to when he actually turned 9 months.

At nine months Miles is:

Weight: 19 lbs., 12 oz., 30th percentile
Height: 29", 90th percentile
Head Circumference: 18", 60th percentile

Is extremely mobile. He's crawling everywhere, going up AND down stairs, and I do think walking is not too far behind. He can pull himself up and cruise from object to object and can even hover for a few seconds when you let go. Before when you put him down he would gladly go onto his butt and then start crawling, but now he would prefer it if you stood him on his feet and walked with him.

Everything is fair game.... if it's out in the open, in a cabinet or drawer that is not baby proofed, he will get to it and proceed to pull everything out and scatter it around the room. This usually is "allowed" to happen when mommy is desperately trying to do something like get ready in the morning, cook, or clean something. I just look around and try to accept that hurricane Miles has just attacked. Cleaning up these days consists of just tidying up after him and not actually cleaning. This is why my house looks the way it does. Sorry for whoever comes over.

He is mimicking us a lot lately with sounds and expressions which has been hilarious. Daddy really knows how to bring the silly out of him, especially at the dinner table.

When we say "what sound does a doggy make?" he will respond with some kind of noise that we are deeming a bark. You may not think so, but we'll take it :)

Miles interacts with other children pretty well. He had his first kiss a couple weeks ago when he plunged right in for a wet one with a little lady he just met. He knows what he wants, what can I say :) He will also "talk" to other kids. They will send shriek messages back and forth to each other which is so piercing to mommy's ears, but glad they can figure out what each other is saying.

He has developed a little bit of a mullet (pictured above) which kind of drives me nuts, but I can't bring myself to cut it so I just sit there and play with it while he is nursing embracing the mullet.

Time is flying and I try desperately to store all these moments into my head as much as I can. Can't believe how big he is getting.

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