Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Watch 2010

Monday I went for another ultrasound and check up and found out that I have not dilated any further but that I am "very, very effaced" and the boy is facing the right direction and is fairly low. It's good news, but I was secretly hoping they were going to say "you are 5cm dilated, meet you at the hospital!". Wishful thinking, right? BUT we did come up with a date for me to be induced if it comes down to it.... December 16th! That's just a little over a week away. I can do anything when I know there is an end in sight. Although it is nice knowing there is an end, we would still prefer him to come on his own, so cross your fingers, pray, do what ever you can to encourage him to come out.

On the upside we had an amazing ultrasound. Everything seems to look healthy and this was the first time he wasn't covering his face with his hands so we got a great shot of him. The tech even flipped it into 3D mode for us. It was so wild!!! There he was in real time and we could make out some of his features (big checks and big mouth, he's ours alright!). He even opened his eyes as to almost say hello. It was a very special moment.

Here's his little face. Can't wait to meet you little guy!


  1. Wow! I've never had a 3-D. What a cool "introduction" of sorts before he comes out! He's gonna be one handsome man. Love you!!!!

  2. Once we had an end date my water broke on its own. However things started on their own but to progress we needed help, ie induction drugs. It took 22 hours to get to 2, but then an hour later she was ready to come. Hang in there. I was right in your shoes just a week and a half ago. Its so hard but if you relax he will come faster. Love Sara

  3. Alright, Mr. Murdock! Tomorrow is the day, please come and join us in the outside world. So many people are soo ready to meet you and love on you! Don't make your momma wait to long and don't put your mom through 30 hours like your soon to be friend James! Love you Murdock family!!
