Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oh where, oh where, have we been

Well, I've been a bad blog mommy. I am directly quoting my friend Cari by saying I have avoided "all things internet" lately and really, for the same reasons she has stated. We have been busy here and there with activities, trips, family, friends, weddings and on the days we don't have something, I simply want to take it easy and enjoy my time with my son or have a few minutes to myself. So I am sorry to the two people who actually read this blog for my absence.

Here's a quick summer recap so far....

Miles is six months old now and is as cute as can be. He has four teeth on top and two on the bottom. I am hoping we are done for a little bit because teething makes mommy a little loopy (I curse you teething!).

He is constantly on all fours and rocks back and forth and I just know crawling is in our near future. If you've ever been to our house, you know we have A LOT of stairs, so this frightens me slightly considering we haven't baby proofed yet (don't worry, gates are ordered).

Our little man is also jibber jabbering away all day long and I just know he is saying Mama and Dada with meaning and purpose :)

Our friends came over to "celebrate" his 6 months on earth and they were sweet enough to bring a little cake and gift for him. Lucky little guy.

We go to the doctor next week so stats and 6 month pics will be coming then.

So far this summer we have taken a weekend trip up to Michigan with some friends and their kiddos where we all stayed in a wonderful cottage. It was close enough to home that the drive was no big deal (and we all know I'm not a big driving fan) and it was near an outlet mall... so all was good!

Michigan Gang

Miles and his buds

Miles and I made a trip with my parents to their place in Arizona which was wonderful and relaxing. He did ok on the flight there (after being delayed 4 hours) but on the way back he was miserable!!!!! I love to fly and I don't think  we will be going on an airplane anytime soon. He cried pretty much the whole time and I was a ball of nerves. I had my parents with me for the flight out there but I was flying solo on the way back.

This is how bad it was.... After flying for awhile and trying to preoccupy my screaming child I glanced at my watch and thought we only had a half hour left of flying time. I was psyching myself up chanting in my head "you can do anything for a half hour, you can do anything". Then I see the flight attendants starting a second drink service. I thought "well this is strange with only a half hour left, why would they be starting another service?". So when the flight attendant came by I asked how long until we land and she looked at her watch and said "ummmm.. I would say another hour and a half". I literally almost burst into tears. She asked me if he would like a beverage and I replied "yeah, vodka" (now that would have taken the edge off for both of us). I even hid out in the bathroom for a few minutes to give my fellow passengers a break from the screaming child. Yes, I was that person on the plane. I was scared to go get my bag at baggage claim because I would have to just stand there and all the passengers were going to be able to stare me down. Luckily my father in law had come to pick us up and had come in and gotten my bag for me and we were able to make a dash for the car. I was never so happy to see my father in law!

While we were is Arizona we took Miles to his first baseball game. That didn't go well either. Everytime the crowd cheered he cried. The Diamondbacks were playing the White Sox and strangely enough, there were just as many White Sox fans there as Diamondback fans. So anytime either team did something well, the stadium went nuts. We had to leave in the seventh inning and even that was a miracle.

Mimi trying hard to distract Miles from the cheering

More has happened, but I think we will end here for this post. Leave you longing for more and I promise I won't wait so long before the next post.

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