Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

7 & 8 months

Since I was a slacker for his 7 month update, you'll be getting 7 AND 8 month updates together.

At 7 months Miles became a crawling champ as well as a wonderful eater. He can get from one place to the next with out any problems and we already forget what it was like before he started crawling.

He can eat so many different yummy things. There really hasn't been anything we've put in front of him that he absolutely hated which has been really fun. His all time favorite food right now would have to be blueberries.

At 8 months he has learned to wave and has developed a fake cough that he busts out when he's being silly. He seems to be making more and more funny sounds that not only make us laugh, but get him going too. He never was a kid that laughed too much unless you really tried, but it's getting easier now and I just love it. With a good tickle you can really get him going.

He's getting so good at eating solid foods that we have ended the pureed baby food all together. Hooray!

When he's sitting in a high chair he does a little dance when eating or when I am singing to him. It cracks me up everytime.

Miles is also a pro at going up the stairs. We have two long stairs separating our living room from our kitchen and I no longer have to worry about him climbing up them without me right behind him. Going down is a different story. We're practicing :) He can also go up an entire flight of stairs with no help. I let him do this when we are going up to bed because I think it tires him out.

I did an unofficial weigh in the other day and he's about 19 lbs. these days and is growing out of his 6 and even some of his 9 month clothing length wise so I'm guessing he's still pretty long. I feel a little better about him growing out of his cloths so quickly because now we have so many friends to pass our clothes off to for borrowing.

These days his hair is looking more and more like it has a redish tint to it... sigh. Maybe it will pass.

Miles has sprung 2 more teeth so our grand total is up to eight. Let's just say it really hurts when he bites you now.

Each month I feel like I have a better handle on things and we just have more fun together. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work and mommy needs a break sometimes, but it's so much better. Love you little man!

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